Project Description


The vision expands – younger children find a home

Realizing younger children were also in need of a home and a quality education, PLF and ACJ decided to expand in 2004 and opened a second home, Casa Ignacio.

Casa Ignacio has seven bedrooms and four bathrooms, where the boys share rooms and help with chores to keep up the house. They tend the gardens at the house, take turns cooking, and support each other as they work on projects for school. The house holds up to eight boys, ranging in age from 11-15 years.

I am 12 years old and just finished primary level studies. I am a good student and get good grades, hoping to become an engineer. I love playing ping pong and soccer.

Gael • Casa Ignacio Resident

I am 15 years old and am in high school. I am in first position in my school in academics, and my dream is to become an entrepreneur and help people who have nothing. I enjoy growing plants and going to Explorers.

Alberto • Casa Ignacio Resident

I am 18 years old and just finished my secondary studies. I am now studying to apply to University to study Social Work. I want to be able to help those who need it most. I enjoy spending time with friends, reading, and making jokes.

Noemi • Casa Teresa Resident

I am 16 years old and am studying in secondary studies. I will probably study marketing at university, but I hope someday to be a fashion designer. I am trying to be a leader in the house and a good support for the younger residents.

Fernanda • Casa Teresa Resident

I am 18 years old and studying industrial design at University. I would like to create something that solves problems of people in their day to day. I enjoy listening to music and learning about new inventions.

Anderson • Casa Javier Resident

I am 24 years old and finishing up my university studies. I have had an internship in communications at the law school of my university. I hope to get a good job and learn a third language. I enjoy editing videos and reading.

Jhon • Casa Javier Resident


Julián Apolinario

Director Julian ApolinarioI was born in Tarma, Perú. I was a student of Phylosofy at the Antonio Ruiz de Montoya University. I worked at Asociación Casa Javier since 2011. First as Executive Director to contribute on the Institutional strategic plan 2013 till 2015. I also develop and execute the operational plan.
Througth the years I realized I want to be as a mentor for children, so the board of directors give me the opportunity to being the Residence Director of Casa Ignacio since 2015 until now.
Thanks to my jesuit training I had the capacity to analysed and solve problems. I consider myself creative, eficent, honest and leading person. I’m very gratefull to Casa Javier because here I had the possibility to learn a lot and to strength my skills as tutor of children.


Kleiber Vásquez

Educator Kleiber Vasquez

I was born in Iquitos, Perú, I finished my major on Phsicology. My first experiences were on the health sector. I realized my training in the clinical area at the Maternal and Child Center of the Rímac district. I also worked as a volunteer on Aldea Infantil Niño Junin on the Mazamari city in the Junín department.
After these experience I worked on Pamer school as an academic tutor for about 3 years. Then I enter on a health campain as a volunteer for SOUL OF THE PERUVIAN ANDES ONG realized in differents towns on the city of Huancavelica. My goals are to continue growing up as a proffesional and as a human being, giving support to the people who need the most and and continue learning and strengthening family love.